The site on the territory of the city of Saratov Municipality
Address : Saratov Oblast, working settlement Sokolovy
Type of the land plot: Greenfield
Cadastral number:
64:32:051501:461 and 64:32:051501:568
Land plot is located in the immediate vicinity of the Saratov Ring-road (1900 m), it has a flat surface. An exit from the Saratov Ring-road is organized from the plot.
Area: 99 ha
Distance to regional center (Saratov): 22,7 km
  • Energy capacity – 56-60 MW
  • Gas capacity – 30000 m³/day
  • Water capacity – 2000 m³/day
  • Wastewater disposal – 2600 m³/day
List of promising industries of the industrial park
  • Manufacturing of cosmetics and household chemicals
  • Manufacturing of medical products

  • Manufacturing of building materials

  • Manufacturing of household appliances and electronics

  • Manufacturing of machinery and tools

  • Electronic industry
  • Manufacturing of transport, special equipment and components
  • Agro-industrial complex

  • Light industry
  • Metal Working
Occupation of tenant-companies (potential companies)

Manufacturing of building materials

ООО "СаратовВторСырье"
Manufacturing of corrugated packaging
ООО "Прометрика"
Manufacturing of feed for valuable fish species


Manufacturing of equipment for food production
ООО "Богатырские традиции"
Manufacturing of snacks
ООО "Каллос Волга"
Manufacturing of cosmetics and plastic packages
ООО "Завод им. Ф.А. Блинова"
Manufacturing of lifting equipment
ООО "Прованс"
Processing of lettuce and vegetables
Manufacturing of pipes and fittings
ООО "Мастерфиш"
Manufacturing of fish products
You can find more detailed information about the site in our presentation
2022. Stolypin Industrial Park
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